Top Of The Week

How Often Should You Get PRP Injections?

When it comes to PRP injections, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. After their initial treatment or series of...

How Many PRP Injections Are Needed for Shoulder Pain Relief?

You may need up to three injections of PRP in a six-month period to achieve significant or complete relief from shoulder...

The Benefits of PRP Injections: A Comprehensive Guide

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections are a revolutionary treatment that can help support wound healing in trauma and...

Why PRP Injections Can Be Painful

PRP therapy is a popular treatment option for many orthopedic injuries and conditions, but it can be painful. Patients...

How Long Does It Take for a PRP Injection to Work?

When it comes to healing and natural regeneration, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections are a powerful tool. Depending...

Does PRP Really Work for Knees?

When it comes to PRP for the knees, studies have shown that some types of platelet-rich plasma treatment can be effective ...

Recent Posts

Is Medicare Covering PRP Injections?

Is Medicare Covering PRP Injections?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections are not covered by Medicare. Despite the growing evidence of the benefits of PRP...